Physical activity doesn't always need to take place in a gym or on the playground!
With short videos available for checkout from UC CalFresh, you can turn a 10-minute break into an instant recess!
In honor of the late Dr. Toni Yancey, we encourage you to plan a 10-minute recess with your students or staff!
Recapturing Recess, by Dr. Toni Yancey
Now I know
Y'all can remember
The recess bell
The wave of exhilaration
The sigh of relief
The sheer release
The transformation
Of fidgeting
Into linear motion
Raise up your hands
If you can remember
All that pent-up energy
Into air and space
And wind and sunshine
And if you can recapture
Even a little of the joy
Of unbridled movement
Then just maybe
There's hope
For the couch potatoes
Those of you
Too worn down
Even to fidget
Think you need rest and food
But you toss and turn in bed
And meals don't really sit well
These bodies just weren't meant
For so much sittin' and standin'
And so little recess