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BOOTJACK 49ers 4-H CLUB - 2nd Monday of the month, 6p.m.- leader- Autumn Hutchings (bootjack49ers4h@gmail.com)

CATHEYS VALLEY 4-H CLUB - 2nd Wednesday, 6:00p.m., leaders- Heather Fried ( heather@thefriedfamily.org ) 

DON PEDRO RATTLERS 4-H CLUB - 2nd Monday, 6:30p.m. leader- Michelle Ellis (wranglar_52@live.com)

HORNITOS 4-H CLUB - 3rd Thursday, 5:30pm.- leader- Mary Ann Visher ( maryannvisher@gmail.com ) and/or  ( hornitos4hclub@gmail.com )

TRIANGLE 4-H CLUB - 2nd Thursday, 6:00p.m.  leader- Beth Broomfield (hayfield3@hotmail.com)

4-H COUNCIL MEETINGS - Conference Room at the UCCE office, located at 5009 Fairgrounds Rd., 1st Monday of the month, 6:00 p.m. (No meetings in July and September).  Members, leaders, and parents are welcome to attend.

Club locations