Mariposa County 4-H Council
Mariposa County 4-H Council
The University of California 4-H Youth Development Program (4-H YDP) creates supportive environments utilizing learn-by-doing educational experiences for culturally diverse youth and adults to reach their fullest potential. In support of this mission, the University of California 4-H YDP develops programs that:
- Are responsive to California's youth and families;
- Are inclusive and diverse;
- Are innovative and adaptable'
- Are accountable for action and resources;
- Are collaborative and team focused;
- Are honest, fair and equitable;
- Are respectful for the health and well-being of people, animals and the environment;
- Are evaluated regularly ad adjusted as needed to maintain effectiveness;
- Foster leadership and volunteerism in youth and adults;
- Develop skills that benefit youth throughout life;
- Build Partnerships for programming and funding; and
- Use research-based knowledge and the Land Grant University System.
The 4-H organization includes Mariposa County 4-H Council and all subsidiary 4-H units (clubs). Through the 4-H organization, adult volunteers and University of California 4-H YDP staff work together to extend the 4-H YDP to the youth of the county, and to set and achieve the goals of the county 4-H YDP. At the local level, the University of California 4-H YDP staff and the county director have final authority to ensure that University of California policy and 4-H YDP core values are adhered to.