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Prepare Your Farm or Ranch

Although wildfires are part of California’s landscape, properties can be designed and maintained to reduce their vulnerability. Agricultural infrastructure (e.g., barns, wood fences, hay, and other key buildings) have inherent vulnerabilities to wildfire and first responders may need extra time to reach and defend every structure depending on their location and access. However, buildings and infrastructures can be designed and maintained to reduce their vulnerability to wildfire and fire-related damage to agricultural resources (e.g., soil, crops, pasture, and rangeland).

Similar to residential homes, structure loss during a wildfire occurs because of one of the three main types of exposures: embersradiant heating, or direct flame contact. While distinguishing these exposures can help prioritize actions, keep in mind that they all happen at the same time, and they are all equally important. Additionally, smoke exposure can be as damaging as flames.

A combination of structure hardening and defensible space strategies help buildings survive wildfires. Start by assessing your situation and identifying potential risks and solutions by using the links to resources below.

Prepare before the wildfire starts

Harden agricultural structures

Defensible space for farms and ranches

Fire protection for crops, vineyards, and orchards

Sign up for the Livestock Disaster Ag Pass

The purpose of the livestock pass program is to provide a uniform way of identifying vetted commercial livestock producer owner-operators and managers to firefighting personnel, California Highway Patrol officers, Sheriff’s deputies, other law enforcement officers, and other emergency personnel. Possession of a Livestock Pass during a wildfire or a similar disaster MAY (if conditions permit) allow the rancher limited emergency access to restricted areas for the purposes of:

  1. Feed, water, or care for livestock sheltering in-place or
  2. Evacuate livestock

Learn more by visiting the Commercial Livestock Pass webpage or contacting the Mariposa County Ag Commissioner's office at (209) 966-2056