Ask our Helpline
UC Master Gardeners staff a Helpline serving Mariposa County, including Greeley Hill, Coulterville and Lake Don Pedro. Our volunteer staff promotes successful and sustainable gardening practices by providing home gardeners with research-based information from the University of California and other academic or government institutions. The staff has access to an extensive library, University of California Agricultural Advisors, university internet sites and a microscope for researching home gardening problems. Home gardeners can bring their questions or specimens in or contact the Helpline by phone or email.
Office Location:
UC Cooperative Extension Office,
5009 Fairgrounds Road
Phone: (209) 966-7078
March - September:
Tuesdays 9:00 am to Noon and
Thursdays 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Winter Hours October - February:
Thursdays 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Messages and emails will be promptly responded to.
Ask a Master Gardener online!
Click here to be linked to our online UC Master Gardener eClinic! Your questions will be forwarded automatically to our Helpline volunteers.