Forging Healthy Habits Among Vang Pao Elementary Parents

Dec 3, 2015

Forging Healthy Habits Among Vang Pao Elementary Parents

Dec 3, 2015

Building and forging healthy habits can seem daunting or intimidating, at first.

Cost and time are common concerns and barriers towards incorporating healthy snacks and meals into your life; however, with just a few simple strategies like planning meals ahead of time, cooking large one-pot meals, and buying and shopping for foods that are currently on sale, you can help stretch food dollars and save time when it counts!

The UC CalFresh Nutrition Education Program strives to empower parents, students, and the community at large to make healthy food choices while simultaneously staying active. We empower our participants by arming them with the skills, knowledge, and self-efficacy necessary to be informed consumers and health advocates for themselves and their families.  


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The UC CalFresh Nutrition Education team hosted a 4-week Plan, Shop, Save, and Cook series where Vang Pao Elementary parents gained skills in shopping, saving, and preparing meals while staying within their food budget. 


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Participants brainstorm family meals!


Give it up for our Vang Pao Elementary parents who successfully completed the Plan, Shop, Save, and Cook series.

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Our participants are eager to share what they learned and want to encourage you to make healthy food changes for yourself. Join us and post your #healthyselfie to encourage others in your community to make healthy food choices. Together we can make for a healthier California!


Need inspiration? Here are our Vang Pao parents' #healthyselfies.



By Consuelo Cid
Author - Nutrition Program Coordinator