Balderas' Character Counts Color Run

Nov 8, 2016

Balderas' Character Counts Color Run

Nov 8, 2016

Are you looking to FUNdraise?

Fundraising helps support our schools and can be both fun and creative!

Did you know that supporting your school and promoting active and healthy students can go hand-in-hand?

Have you considered a ...

Color Run?!?!


The University of California CalFresh Nutrition Education Program supported Ezekiel Balderas Elementary School during their Character Counts Community Color Run on October 20, 2016. UC CalFresh provided an interactive Rethink your Drink display and Hydration Station.

The Color Run celebrated Fresno Unified School District's Character Counts Week! Participating students were issued a Color Run T-shirt and were painted in the 6 character count pillar colors. The Color Run was a huge success, with 300 tickets sold!

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Just look at how this this little one sports his Balderas Character Counts T-shirt.


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On your mark...get set...Go!


Slow and steady wins the race... 

Students quickly learned that jogging was the best strategy to conserve energy during their hour-long race!

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Did someone say WATER?

Water is the beverage of choice!

After a few laps, students sought out water to hydrate their bodies and keep them moving.


Would you like to join in on the Color Run movement?

Visit Active School Fundraising for more ideas and tips on how to spearhead your very own healthy fundraising event.


Don't hang up your running shoes just yet! Stay tuned for more physical activity successes in Fresno and Madera Counties.

Until next time....

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