Building Healthy Habits at the Holistic Cultural & Education Wellness Center

Aug 18, 2017

Building Healthy Habits at the Holistic Cultural & Education Wellness Center

Aug 18, 2017

 Community centers provide learning opportunities and resources for local residents. They provide spaces for community members to become more involved in their community, their neighborhoods, and themselves. This summer the UC CalFresh Nutrition Education Program collaborated with the Holistic Cultural & Education Wellness Center to provide nutrition education classes to community members in the area. The Holistic Cultural & Education Wellness Center provides community members with a wide variety of services to encourage a well-balanced lifestyle. 


UC CalFresh provides nutrition education classes in both Spanish and English. Participants feel the classes help them make healthier decisions for themselves and their families.

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Participants learn the importance of fruits and vegetables, planning meals to save money; and limiting salt, sugar and fat intake. 

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Participants also learn the importance of physical activity and strength training.


UC CalFresh had a great time collaborating with the center and providing lessons to families!